Thursday, August 6, 2009

My friend, the Seventh Day Adventist

I have an old friend, emphasis on the word 'old', who professes the religion Seventh Day Adventist. We engage in conversations regularly, all of them turning to religion after the first 20 seconds. We joke back and forth about different things (I will tell him how good my bacon cheeseburger is and he will tell me that all the meat eaters are going to be burned) and the conversation is friendly most of the time. Wilbur is a good guy. He wants the best for me, and I for him.

As a rule, he will always warn me that not observing the Sabbath on Saturday, similar to meat eating, will result in burning. He is more serious on this point, and to echo his sincere tone, I can only bear testimony to him that I know the Book of Mormon to be scripture and Joseph Smith to be a prophet. Though the conversation turns serious, neither of us allows it to become contentious. After debating further he always concludes the conversation with the exact same phrase, "Remember Tyler, ABC... Always Be Careful." My reply, "You too, Wilbur baby."
